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I urge people to join in, comment with your paragraph of fiction to accompany the image. It doesn’t have to follow my story or reflect the same themes. It can be a poem or in a different language (provide a translation please :)). Anyone who wants to join in, is welcome. This photograph has been reblogged under Ermisenda on tumblr.

Snap. I wondered if I would be able to see my pink beanie in the photograph. It had been at least three weeks since Christmas had arrived and left, and yet I found a Christmas ball upon this tree. Hanging. Dangling. I felt the strange urge to reach out and snap the twig. Snap. I watched it fall, gracefully into the snow with a thud. It didn’t break. I could still see my damn reflection. The seemingly perfect sphere wasn’t so perfect. I could see marks of erosion and decay, like the ornament had developed cancer. My distorted reflection laughed at me, at my failed career. I kicked my reflection. Smash. It broke into a million, fractured pieces in the snow.

– Ermisenda Alvarez

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<a href="https://ermiliablog.wordpress.com/category/picture-it-write/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i0.wp.com/i115.photobucket.com/albums/n320/LadySerendipity/pictureitandwrite2copy-1.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>