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Ermisenda has already reviewed Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, but as she read a paperback, she hasn’t gotten to nerd out on the audio book. What makes the audio book special?

Wil WheatonI have never recognized a narrator before. Perhaps because I’ve never listened to amateur hour, I’ve not been able to appreciate the better narrators. All of them are great, no complaints. I’m sure publishers probably have their favorites, but I think of them as voice actors and treat it as expected that they should be good at their job.

Ready Player One is narrated by Wil Wheaton. I cannot think of anyone better suited to be the voice of (ironically) Wade Watts, a nerdy seventeen year old obsessed with the 1980s in order to win a billion dollars in a video game last will and testament. For those of you who don’t know who he is, he’s a character in Star Trek and Big Bang Theory.

I am now in chapter 15 of the novel and have been listening for almost three straight hours, unable to go to bed. S**t just got read. Despite the somewhat lukewarm review from Ermisenda, I’m in love with this book. I’m in the middle of seven novels right now but this is the one that has me captivated, maybe because I’m a little older than her and grew up on many of the books and films referenced in the book.

A full review will come; I REALLY hope this isn’t like Wallbanger, which started out wonderfully then crashed and burned.

-Eliabeth Hawthorne