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Double Feature!

Eliabeth found an image she wants to share, so this week we’re doing two images instead of one.

I urge people to join in, comment with your paragraph of fiction to accompany the image. It doesn’t have to follow my story or reflect the same themes. It can be a poem or in a different language (provide a translation please :D). Anyone who wants to join in, is welcome. This photograph will be reblogged under Ermisenda on tumblr.


Metal clashed against metal as the blade glanced off the warrior’s armor.  The battle field was stained with blood and the wind carried moans into the abyss of the deserted town.  The dying were left to die with no one left to bury them.  Angered by the drink it could not help but absorb, the earth decided to rebel.  The fighting would end, one way or another.  Just as the victorious warrior ran his blade through the wounded flesh of the other, they both turned into trees, locked together forever.

-Eliabeth Hawthorne

Image found on Facebook.