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I urge people to join in, comment with your paragraph of fiction to accompany the image. It doesn’t have to follow my story or reflect the same themes. It can be a poem or in a different language (provide a translation please :) ). Anyone who wants to join in, is welcome. This photograph will be reblogged under Ermisenda on tumblr and added to the Picture it & Write gallery on Facebook and Pinterest.

Every fortnight we hope to host a photograph suggested by contributors. So, keep those photograph recommendations coming. Submit your favourite images (with credit) for next week’s Picture it & write!


How could a myriad of obscure chemicals compressed into capsules solve my problems? I’m sure if even some snob academic lectured me on chemistry and pharmacotherapy, I wouldn’t understand. It didn’t matter. I had pills for depression, pills for anxiety, pills to sleep. Was there a pill to stop taking pills? My stomach gurgled and I looked outside the living room table. I couldn’t dare look at the chemicals weapons I had just consumed, warfare ensuing within me. Would they make it all better? My cheeks were wet. When had I stopped taking the best drug of all? The drug that would make me happy, carefree, and let me sleep at night. A drug where I would have to take no other. Why did I stop feasting on life?

 Ermisenda Alvarez

Everyone is welcome to use the button, just link them back to the Picture it & write category or Ermiliablog:) Share your love for Picture it & write on your blog with the image below. Be proud, and stylish ;) !

Want to be a published author?  Contributions to this post qualify for the Picture it & Write Publication.

<a href="https://ermiliablog.wordpress.com/category/picture-it-write/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i0.wp.com/i115.photobucket.com/albums/n320/LadySerendipity/pictureitandwrite2copy-1.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>